The Oil Mill Cramarossa-Piccolo was founded in 1880 by Luigi Piccolo, who built an oil mill which made use of animals to move the huge granite wheels. In the following years and decades, Luigi’s  heirs made various changes in the production system, until 1980, when Saverio Piccolo and his wife Maria Cramarossa, present administrator of the firm, totally reorganized both the spaces and the machines,  always keeping a great care of the processings  of oil making, according to the traditional system of cold pressing.  Therefore, since 1880 until nowadays, the Piccolo-Cramarossa family deals with the selection  of high quality products and directly  follows all the stages of the production of oil, from harvesting to bottling and packaging. Further changes have been made in summer 2018 by the same owners, to renovate the production system and to get an always excellent oil.

Frantoio spremitura a freddo  Frantoio spremitura a freddo